NSW Slate Roofing is an environmentally aware company. At present, proving your sustainability is at the forefront of winning business more than ever. Homeowners who support this movement by embracing environmentally freindly practices and sustainable roofing, are increasing in number. Many are look for a sustainable alternative for any project, from their Air Conditioning System to their roof system.
When it comes to the sustainability of roofing materials, in most cases, we can’t limit to choosing one material. We do need to consider how that material behaves over time, and if it will be discarded at the end of its life cycle. Sustainability is also about the environmental impact a certain industry has, and how many resources it needs, in the extraction and working processes before producing the end product.
Here we show how slate roofing is one of the most sustainable and environmentally friendly roofing options out there, and how it passes the test of time.
Slate roofing has been around since the 12th century, when it started protecting and adorning Welsh cathedrals and churches. It is made of natural stone, which is cut and installed on the roof to protect it from the elements. Some slate roofs have outlasted the building they sat on, with many examples lasting over 100 years or more.

Natural Slate is one of the greatest ecological options for roofing, and locally harvested slate is the best choice. With Australia being globally distant from all major slate producers, that is not possible. So, using reputable slate importers who are managing their footprint is the best option available. How can you help? Shop locally, buy from your state suppliers and limit the need for interstate transfers.
Other sustainable roofing options are also based on harvesting natural materials that can be recycled, are biodegradable and help you save energy in the long term. When choosing a roof material, also ask yourself “will need a lot of maintenance and treatments”. Slate will not require “re-spraying” or “treating” every 10-20 years like most products. Why you ask? Discarding treated materials is more difficult, with education on environmental practices improving.
Besides Slate roofing, which are sustainable in many ways, here are a few other roofing products that can be part of your eco-friendly home: metal roofing, clay tiles, and concrete tiles. Each of them has pros and cons when it comes to sustainability, all of which have their own version of “how they are sustainable”, but most stil use coatings (paint to put it simply) to achieve their desired finish. The enviromental impact of a product depends on how it is manufactured, coatings, applications, fixings, logistics, maintenance and the afterlife recyclability.
Slate is subject only to the initial process of mining, cutting and then transporting. But it really does stand alone in durability, non-existent man made colour range, without excessive maintainence.
The life expectancy of a Slate roof is between 75 – 100 years. Proven to require little maintenance. It will also help your home thermoregulate, and is a great long term investment in your home. With Slate’s energy-efficient and recycling properties, it’s also a great investment in the future of our planet.
Speak to an expert and qualified slate roofer, we are here to help: 1300 050 924