How to choose the best slate roofing company for you?
With so many companies putting themselves forward to work on your home you may be overwhelmed with options. Listening to the vast array of professional advice, can leave your head spinning too! Now with your 3 companies chosen from an enormous amount of pre-selection google searches, you think you are almost there! But one company didn’t turn up on time, and one didn’t even bother to show up. So back to the drawing board you go to search up some more. Once you have your 3 roof inspections completed… then there is the 3 very differing opinions on what needs to be done! Read on to find out How To Choose The Best Slate Roofing Company For You!
What homework should you do?
Ok so you have checked out the company google reviews and they seem to be all good. That should be it right? With the alarming amount of scams being produced daily, we suggest you do some homework. This suggested checklist will not guarantee you don’t end up with a poorly managed project, it only decreases the opportunity for it. We understand your stress and anxiety around your leaks, and unfortunately the opportunistic scammers do to. With the ever increasing weather events, has come a large increase in “MARKETING FOR YOUR BUSINESS”. What do we mean by that? Well those platforms that offer work to members or paid subscribers. Therefore these companies that have increased dollars to spend on advertising (or SPONSORED AD’S) to capture your details, and then “FARM OUT YOUR JOB” to their subscribers.
How can it go so wrong?
In some platforms there is a loop hole in Qualifications required. As long as you have some qualifications, you can sign up for the platform… and then once you are in, you can apply for any traded leads you like! We are home owners too, and we are all for competition in trades. But qualified trades will never compete against unskilled labour. Far too often we come across the victim who has forked out money for a “small repair”, which never worked, and was preformed by someone not qualified to do it! There are a few things we recommend you do before engaging anyone with your project. They are not always common knowledge, but they are good practice.

- Is it an advertisement or is it a legitimate result to your search? – see below for more on this
- Are you on a landing page which is referring you to another business? – The sole action of this page is to trap you and get your details!
- Does the website have an ABN, ACN and a LICENSE visible to you?
- If you search the ABN, ACN or license do you get the same company name?
- How are the google reviews? Are they all very recent or does the google review history span the life of the website?
- When they turn up, do they have a company name on their shirt which matches?
- Legally to preform works over $5,000 all advertising must display a business name and license number on it, does it? (HOT TIP) Take the time to look at their car, it is advertising, where is the name and contractor license number !
When you receive the quotation, does it contain:
- It must have a date
- The Company name which should be a match to the company you spoke with
- Their ABN or ACN
- Their License Number, if they don’t have a license you are taking a risk
- Check the license matches the business on the quotation
- A clear description of the works to be preformed, and materials
- A value including GST, make sure you search if they are registered for gst too
- Any disclaimers or conditions in relation to re-occurring issues from your works
- If you are engaging in works for over $20,000 have they registered you for HBCF?
- This is our short list and in no way should be the end of yours. Make sure you have all your questions covered and ask for some local completed jobs
Use the button provided to check that contractor license number. Save this page, we want you to be safe and only deal with qualified trades. We are here to support you and our qualified industry!

How to choose the best slate roofing company for you?
When searching Google for “your local slate roofer”, don’t be fooled by ad’s. SPONSORED means they paid to turn up in your result. They might be local, and they might not! SPONSORED are paid adverts that target searches in your area. These ad’s always appear at the top of the page, but they are not necessarily the best way to find a local slate roofer. So if you are looking for local trades, look at the map listing for their locations. Or check the title of the result for the name of the company name before you click it. Wherever possible, avoid clicking sponsored AD’s and look for actual results that match your search. You can scroll a little further down the page to see actual results at are from your search words… Like NSW Slate Roofing
Some reputable companies do place Ad’s, it is part of “doing business”, just make sure you know who you are clicking on!

So who cares if it is a landing page or a website, right? There is a huge difference in our opinion. Daily we are “offered” 20-30 “leads” per month from Marketing Companies who set up a landing page to “capture leads” and then sell them on to us… the qualified people to do the job! They don’t take any responsibility for your home or the work done to it… its simply a money thing to sell your details on.
So, how do you tell if you are dealing with a website from a qualified business or a landing page? It’s pretty simple when you know what you are looking for.
Most landing pages look like marketing photos and actors pretending to preform the work… They don’t advertise their industry specific license because they are not specifically licensed to perform your works. They farm the work out to anyone registered in their books. The landing page is simply set up to capture your details and farm them out. On a landing page you can’t drill deeper than the page you are on. It’s not a website, with information, projects, links to social media, or even a face of the people you are dealing with. You have a choice to Call or fill in a form! It’s at that point your details are farmed out to paid subscribers, and the circus begins. Having said that, landing pages are also used by companies, just make sure it displays a license!
On a Website, you should see additional pages and information on the company, recent projects, social media and more! Most importantly a contractor license, normally at the bottom of the page.
But it must be displayed by law, for all to see, if you are conducting works for over the value of $5,000 in NSW. The most important thing you can do… CHECK THAT CONTRACTOR LICENSE
If the person you are talking to can’t provide a license for you to check… DON’T RISK IT!
So look for the links to socials, blogs, recent projects and licenses. Because lets face it, I don’t want an actor repairing my roof… do you?
Price is always a factor when you have a budget or a fixed amount of available funds. But price alone should not be the ultimate decision maker. Owning a home is a lifetime commitment with a never ending list of maintenance required. But when it comes to choosing the best roofing contractor, make sure you do your homework. Just remember cheap quotations can often be expensive to repair properly.
Be aware in some platforms there is a loop hole in Qualifications required. As long as you have some qualifications, you can sign up for the platform… and then once you are in, you can apply for any traded leads you like! It’s as simple as updating your profile to say what jobs you can do! We are home owners too, and we are all for competition in trades. But qualified trades will never compete against unskilled labour. Far often we come across the victim who has forked out money for a “small repair”, which never worked, and was preformed by someone not qualified to do it! There are a few things we recommend you do before engaging anyone with your project. They are not always common knowledge, but they are good practice.
Use the button provided to check that contractor license number. Save this page, we want you to be safe and only deal with qualified trades. We are here to support you and our qualified industry!
We hope you have found our advise useful, and maybe even helped you choose your contractor. Just remember the most important thing… check that license number! If your roof needs repairs in Sydney or the surrounding areas, or you suspect it may be time for a full-scale slate roof replacement, we’re here to help with repair jobs of all types and sizes. Contact us to get the help you need with slate roof repairs right away.